Implemented Projects

ASPI Consulting Engineers, Inc. has successfully accomplished a large number of projects in more than a dozen countries. The table below lists the most significant of the executed projects.

  • The project global objective was to define demand of agricultural production and its patterns. The specific objectives were to assess the country agricultural potential, to design food security assessment, to analyse the proportion of main food and nutrition and to draft food security program,
  • The project was implemented in association with SOFRECO. The ASPI’s services had included to review the legislation and agricultural land reforms to prepare the legal basis for six pilot subprojects, including land rights regulation and irrigation pricing.
  • The services had included preparation of new legislation for WUAs, to draft the reorganization plan for Ministry of Agriculture and State Irrigation Committee , to prepare the action plan for institutional reforms.
  • ASPI in association with CES was responsible for preparation of social and environmental impact assessments of project.
  • Together with SUYAPI Company ASPI has provided the detailed engineering design of main channel and off-farm and on-farm network and the construction super vision
  • The project was in the Bank formulation and identification phase. ASPI was responsible for geographical identification of irrigation systems and provision of project appraisal.
  • Government of Uzbekistan has invited ASPI’s experts for provision of support to PIU for preparation of bids.
  • ASPI in association with Louis Berger Group has supported Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Tajikistan for WUA policy development and implementation.
  • Social assessment survey was conducted in the frames of general feasibility study in the places of IDPs’ compact residence — collective centers (dormitories, sanatoriums, etc.) as an independent social assessment of 137 collective center sites located in Baku and other cities and regions. The study purposes were to establish a social profile of the communities, study income and livelihoods of IDPs living in the collective centers, identify availability of social objects/facilities in the vicinity of the communities, assess social and economic viability of the communities and other socio-economic features. The study was carried out throughout quantitative and qualitative methodologies: household surveys, focus group discussions and key informant interviews.
  • The Living Standards and Livelihoods Project (LSLP) was initiated in response to a request from the Government of Azerbaijan to increase the level of funding for IDP. The proposed development objective was to improve living conditions for internally displaced persons and increase their economic self-reliance through 4 main components: (i) continue to finance demand-driven community-identified priority small scale infrastructure and services micro-project; (ii) invest in improving the living conditions of IDP living in collective centers through rehabilitation works; (iii) create opportunities for IDP employment and livelihood support and, (iv) support project management capacity in order to facilitate, implement, supervise and monitor the project activities.
  • The SD2 Project Environmental and Socio-economic Impact Assessment (ESIA) has identified the potential effects of the marine exclusion zones on small-scale fishing operations. The Livelihood Monitoring Survey (LMS) was aimed to collect information on small-scale fishing activities within Sangachal Bay and the nearshore environment prior to installation of SD2 project infrastructure. The LMS Identified the location, status and ownership of any fishing assets that might be directly or indirectly affected by construction works; and identified small-scale fishing activities in the area, including levels of employment, value of production to household incomes and nutritional status, seasonality of fishing activities.

  • The TACIS has implemented the multipurpose INOGATE program for transportation of Energy from Central Asia to Caucasus to European markets.
    The PREUSSAG leading company of program had collaborated with ASPI for regional cooperation. ASPI’s services included the data gathering and assessment of crude oil transportation means such as railways ships, motorways, and pipelines.
  • ASPI in association with RENCO has provided the general engineering design, Feasibility Study and geological survey of energy transport systems
  • Together with ILF ASPI has provided the pre-investment study for urgent finance of oil and gas transportation and reservation infrastructure.

  • INOGATE program was focused on rehabilitation of regional oil and gas transportation and reservation systems ASPI in cooperation SOFRECO had
    prepared the financial plan and commercial model for small-scale investment.
  • In association with Iberdrola and Arthur Anderson financial auditor ASPI’s services included technical audit, asset management planning, estimation of investment needs and preparation of strategy for restructuring and privatization.
  • In consortium with KAP ASPI provided the selection of techniques and methodology for clean up in Buzovna10 ha pilot area

  • In association with SOFRECO ASPI was responsible for construction supervision, detailed engineering design, technology transfer and operations maintenance training and international study tour in France.
  • ASPI together with PARSONS had provided the institutional strengthening the regional electricity and trading toolbox.
  • Based on baseline conditions and features of the proposed cement plant, positive and negative impacts during construction and operation phases have been identified and assessed. ESIA covered the consultation process, social and environmental baseline, consideration of alternatives, prediction and evaluation of significant social and environmental impacts, mitigation or offset measures, and environmental and social management and monitoring plans.
  • The Study’s objective is to collect data on socio-economic conditions, development needs and priorities in the SD2 Project’s host communities: Sangachal, Umid, Azim Kend and Massiv 3, and includes:
    — Providing comprehensive and up to date socio-economic data for the SD2 Infrastructure and main SD2 Project Environmental and Socio-economic Impact Assessments (ESIAs);
    — Providing an opportunity to inform and consult neighbouring communities about the SD 2 Project in the area;
    — Establishing a basis against which to monitor social changes during the life and operations of the SD2 Project and the effectiveness of impact management strategies, community relations and community investment programmes.
  • Socio-economic baseline survey was conducted in the frames of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for developing the Chovdar Mine Deposit in Dashkesan region of Azerbaijan Republic. The survey was aimed to assess existing demographic and socio-economic conditions, living standards, infrastructure conditions, local development needs and priorities, and attitudes and possible concerns towards future exploration and operation activities on the Chovdar Mine Deposit site. Study used a quantitative methodology based on sociological survey through the “face-to-face” interviews with households in three local communities of Chovdar, Chaykend and Gushchu, and among several scattered houses around and within the Project site. The data was gathered via a structured interview questionnaire.
  • The SD2 Project Environmental and Socio-economic Impact Assessment (ESIA) has identified the potential effects of the marine exclusion zones on small-scale fishing operations. The Livelihood Baseline Survey (LBS) was aimed to collect information on small-scale fishing activities within Sangachal Bay and the nearshore environment prior to installation of SD2 project infrastructure. The LBS Identified the location, status and ownership of any fishing assets that might be directly or indirectly affected by construction works; and identified small-scale fishing activities in the area, including levels of employment, value of production to household incomes and nutritional status, seasonality of fishing activities.
  • The Social Impact Assessmet (SIA) was a part of preparation of an ESIA of a proposed chemical plant in Sumgait Chemical Industrial Park, Azerbaijan. The Project comprised the demolition, shipment and re-erection in Azerbaijan of a used 200kta Polypropylene plant from Canada, a new 120kta High Density Polyethylene plant, associated utilities and infrastructure. The SIA was aimed to collect and analyse key characteristics of the project area and its surrounds (e.g. what are the sensitive receptors: communities, agricultural land holdings, community assets (schools, hospitals etc.)).

  • Government of Azerbaijan had asked the WB for funding the urgent environmental investment program which included waste management component. ASPI in association with GIBB was responsible for legal and regulatory expertise and to draft the country action plan with identification of district based pilot projects.
  • ASPI in association with VIOLIA / SOURECA had provided the design of environmental monitoring systems for construction, operation and post- construction phases.
  • In association with PADCO ASPI had provided the drafting the new law on drinking water and wastewater.
  • ASPI in association with DAW was responsible for general and detailed engineering design and preparation of Feasibility Study.
  • ASPI with association ILF had provided the preparation of construction drawings of structural and mechanical equipment and preparation of Feasibility Study with tender documentations.
  • In association with Montgomery Watson ASPI was responsible for technical audit provision and investment needs calculation for different ways of improving the access to water.

  • In association with Jacobs ASPI had provided the drafting the regulatory framework and training needs assessment.
  • ASPI in association with SHIMITSU had provided engineering services for environmental impact assessment and Master Plan Study
  • ASPI in association WYG was responsible for identification of potential fisheries, its activity profiles and granting of coastal business communities
  • ASPI in association DAI was responsible for institutional development of join river basin management plan and training provision.
  • Together with ERM ASPI has provided the legal study, design of institutional options and tariff policy , to advise the commercialization of local enterprise and to ensure the social impact assessment and training provision.
  • The Socio-Economic Study was undertook to support of the Environmental and Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (ESIA) prepared for the proposed Shallow Water Absheron Peninsula (SWAP) 3D Seismic Survey. The objectives of the Study was to collect social and economic data about households, small industrial and commercial objects located in the SWAP area.

  • In association with Deloitte Touche financial auditor ASPI was responsible for technical auditing and design of commercial model for gas company deregulation.
  • ASPI was responsible for preparation the Feasibility Study for regional oil exports and trading.
  • ASPI in Association with Eberdrola had provided the technical assistance to AzerEnerji for preparation of comprehensive company reorganization plan and investment promotion.
  • ASPI was responsible for identification of disaster impact areas in Southern Range of Caucasus mountains preparation of training modules and its implementation and to draft national action plan.
  • ASPI with association NEXANT had prepared the new regulation for independent utility management body, to design transitional institutional options and to draft new tariff policy.
  • In association with DAI ASPI had provided the training for rural SMEs development on business planning, accounting , statistics, QC, management
  • In association with Helsinki Consulting Group ASPI had provided the technical auditing, preparation of financial plan and recommendation to Government for private sector involvement.
  • ASPI was responsible for provision of marketing of gas production and trading in the Caspian Region, including Iran, Turkmenistan, Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan.
  • In collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and the Centre for Economic Reforms Analysis and Communication of Azerbaijan, the OECD conducted a survey to understand barriers to doing business in Azerbaijan, how firms connect with suppliers, customers and investors in Azerbaijan, and how the policy environment could facilitate these connections. The objectives of the survey were to highlight factors that impede the expansion of business operations and investments internationally or the smooth functioning of supply chain. The survey was conducted among Azerbaijani SMEs and foreign investors.

  • ASPI services had included the estimation of economic damage of sixteen administrative districts around of Nagorno Karabakh region and preparation Feasibility Study for rehabilitation program.
  • In association with Bozman ASPI provided the Master Plan Study for infrastructure development in Batumi city of Georgia.
  • The objective of the study was to collect information from the households of fishermen eligible for compensation under the Fishing Livelihoods Management Plan (FLMP). Household monitoring surveys were aimed to monitor the implementation of FLMP (.g. activities associated with management of economic displacement, including delivery of compensation payments) and to assess fishing households living conditions throughout the implementation of the FLMP. Information collected in the final Survey had to verify that household livelihoods had been sustained throughout the period of the Shah Deniz 2 Project Marine Exclusion Zone, and that no further liabilities attached to BP on completion of the FLMP process.
  • The objective of the Study was to increase understanding of the social and economic vulnerability and resilience of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Azerbaijan, and the constraints and opportunities for their economic self sufficiency. The Study was based on qualitative methodology to build a comprehensive picture of socio-economic conditions, vulnerabilities, development needs and perceptions of IDPs. The qualitative methodology included 30 focus group discussions with IDPs and 30 in-depth interviews and life history case studies with IDP households.
  • The objective of Social Baseline Survey (SBS) on an E&P Project were to describe the socio-economic situation of the area and of potential Project sites, to identify the stakeholders and to map these and rank them in priority order. The study provided all the information needed for the Project’s Social Impact Assessment (SIA), to be carried out afterwards. During the SBS the following was achieved: gained a thorough understanding of the socio-economic context and human environment of the future sites; evaluated the differences between the SBS and final social study; identified stakeholders that likely might be affected by the Project; carried out initial mapping of the potential stakeholders and obtained enough information about them to initiate a dialogue; compiled a stakeholder database; provided a body of fundamental information that can be useful when the local development plan is introduced.
  • The main objective of this consultancy service was to carry out a Household Survey to provide primary data for the aforementioned study. The proposed Greater Baku Housing Diagnostic Study focused on the Greater Baku metropolitan area. The survey activities were build upon the previously conducted studies — using a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches — to provide statistically reliable primary data on the housing sector at the city level. The study used already available urban diagnostic tools, and covered the full spectrum of the housing market by combining a qualitative analysis and an extensive quantitative analysis based on households surveys. The data generated was expected to feed in policy dialog to support decision-making in the housing sector at the city-level.

ASPI Consulting Engineers. Inc.